My goodness today when Malva checked the post we realized we had forgotten to look at all yesterday and there was the most fabulous gift of a twelve page letter from none other than Ivory Manor which is in a lovely place called Hermitage, Tennessee. Home of a literary genius-in-the-making, for privacy purposes we will call her Miss H.E.
It was so wonderful I was able to brag about getting an actual letter to at least half a dozen people before the day was through. I don't normally like to boast so much (it's tacky) but I was simply overwhelmed at my great fortune.
Miss H.E. (a literary genius herself) has recently had the sort of setbacks that anyone reading any great novel will find a heroine has. Tragedy of more than one kind has befallen her and her family but she has handled it with great courage and grace. I am practically on the edge of my seat waiting to see what will happen in her life next.
She is not only a spectacular writer (hence my great fortune in such a letter) but she is kindly and good hearted. I do wish we lived closer and could visit more often.
She has advised me (in a most tactful way) of how I may be a more interesting and technologically up to date person. For someone who nearly always prefers the old fashioned way this is extremely helpful.
Since Miss H.E. has such fantastic taste I do hope she will read my blog again in the future.
For now, Dear blog readers a mission: write to someone of indeterminate age (like moi) who will greatly appreciate a true letter in paper form.
(Malva remind me to do a blog post for all those who have forgotten how to write a real letter).